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Fotos, Grafiken und Icons von Adobe Stock und Partnerfirmen:
Bildmaterial von Adobestock.com:
40367016 Sandwich Von ilolab12605374 tea Von Dušan Zidar
202126955 Refreshing drinks for summer, cold lemonade juice with sliced fresh lemons Von kritchanut
171921865 Abstract blur of people paying for the drinks from the vending machine
96411512 Paper cup of coffee and sandwich in the garden Von amenic181
97090654 Paper cup of coffee and croissant in the garden,copy space background Von amenic181
80914222 Holzwand - ShabbyVon S.H.exclusiv
85562953Croissant and coffee on rustic white wood, from above. Von Moving Moment
38088488Frikadelle mit Senf und Petersilie Von manulito
60460679 tortilla wraps Von Natalia Klenova
2112841 big sandwich with a salmon Von OlgaLIS
136057023 Cup of coffee with smoke and coffee beans in burlap sack on coff Von amenic181
225543992 happy businessman drinking coffee standing near vending machine Von auremar
40022931 Latte Cup with Heart Design. Von Swellphotography
40745508 Amarettini Von megdypro4im,
241748176 Couple looking through window at home Von vectorfusionart
274060662 Woman pouring water from cooler into glass Von Pixel-Shot
219934429 Woman eating a breakfast sandwich while working with a laptop Von Monika Wisniewska
63422321 Glass with water isolated. Vector illustration Von mylisa
255329415 Colleagues drinking water from cooler in office Von Pixel-Shot
295335167 guarantee sign. guarantee green-black circular band label Von Aquir
174858262 Weihnachten Von SG- design
Bilder mit freundlicher Genehmigung von:
Jura Gastro Vertriebs-GmbH
Jura Elektrogeräte Vertriebs-GmbH
Bonamat GmbH
Sanden Vendo GmbH
Blupura Srl
BWT water+more Deutschland GmbH
Waterlogic GmbH
EVOCA Germany GmbH